All in-person data collection for FEHNCY is currently on hold to comply with the physical and social distancing recommendations issued by the provincial and federal governments. The FEHNCY team will be conducting remote only data collection and will continue modifying the project methods, timeline, and protocols in collaboration with First Nation partners to adapt to the current circumstances. The mobile clinic component has been postponed until further notice.


A national study on the HEALTH of First Nations children and youth

FEHNCY is a  cross-Canada research study that will look at the nutrition, health and environment of First Nations children and youth aged 3-19 in communities through partnerships and community participation.


The results from the study will inform government policy and community program recommendations with the goal of improving the health of First Nations children. The study will contribute to capacity building within First Nations communities and Assembly of First Nations (AFN) regions.

Who can participate in this research study?



Households with children will be approached to complete questionnaires and have their homes inspected for mould, dust and indoor air quality. The children will be invited to have a variety of health measures taken at the mobile clinic.


Children and youth will be invited to participate in 2 separate group discussions (12 children aged 6 to 11 and 12 children aged 12 to 19) that will use drawing activities to explore their perspectives about the availability and access to food within their community.


Interviews will be conducted with local food system experts (including traditional food harvesters, social workers, policymakers, store managers, and school/ daycare administrators and teachers) to gather knowledge about community members' access to traditional, store-bought and alternative food sources.

Community Timeline

FEHNCY timeline graphic
Data collection can be remote as needed according to status of COVID in the community

What activities will take place in your community?

Food and Nutrition Food and Nutrition
Housing Conditions Housing Conditions
Individual Health Assessment Individual Health Assessment

Food and Nutrition

  • Group discussions with children and youth aged 6 to 19
  • Interviews with local food system experts (including traditional food harvesters, social workers, policymakers, store managers, and school/daycare administrators and teachers)
  • Assessment of availability, cost and quality of foods in local stores
  • Questionnaire (for 100 children and youth aged 3 to 19) to ask about;
    • Traditional and store-bought food intake
    • Access to food
    • Food security
    • Physical and sedentary activities

Housing Conditions

To study possible links between children’s health and exposure to potential contaminants in their homes, the following will be conducted in 100 households:

  • Inspection for housing conditions, mould and water damage.
  • Household dust collection to measure substances that are harmful to lung health.
  • Indoor air quality assessment using up to 3 types of monitors:
  1. An indoor air quality (IAQ) monitor will measure levels of chemicals that can affect lung health such as carbon dioxide and small airborne particles (PM2.5), as well as relative humidity and the temperature in the home.
  2. A radon detector will measure this radioactive gas that can accumulate to high levels in homes and increase the risk of lung cancer, especially in smokers.
  3. A volatile organic compound (VOC) monitor will measure levels of gases released from household products such as paint, disinfectants and air fresheners.

Learn more about Housing Conditions and Indoor Air Quality.

Individual Health Assessment

To measure children’s health and nutritional status as well as their exposure to environmental contaminants, the following will be measured or collected from 100 children and youth aged 3 to 19 by trained personnel:

  • Height, weight and waist circumference
  • Body composition
  • Blood pressure
  • Lung function
  • Hair sample
  • Blood sample
  • Urine sample

A questionnaire will also ask about:

  • Health and lifestyle: questions about the child’s general health, lifestyle, chronic illnesses, and injuries.
  • Substance use (if desired by community leadership).

Learn more about The Mobile Clinic.

Community engagement and mobilization

Community Engagement and MobilizationCommunity engagement and mobilization is woven throughout the FEHNCY project. We focus on developing activities to engage community members and youth, valuing Indigenous knowledge, and developing strong relationships with First Nations partners.